Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Couple Updates

We have a couple cool updates. We've been receiving a lot of emails and follow-up emails about monthly rental studios. We're in the process of creating a good plan of action to get you guys some available space, but it's going to take some creativity on our part to make sure we aren't losing our asses in the process as well.

The BURB just finished the newest hourly room this week. Pictures up soon. The dimensions of the new room are 20x15x12. Larger than Room 1 for sure. If you'd like to schedule some time, hit us up via or Phone (727) 515-7574. Please allow for 24 Hours of notice as we have to arrange schedules for you dudes.

Also, I redesigned the logo a little while ago. If you want to post it with a link on your page to help promote, print it out on your printer and put it on your fridge, or color a new version of it and post it on our Facebook or Twitter page you are more than allowed.